
Patron Saint of the Totally F***ed! (Lou from Hot Tub Time Machine)

Mind dump:

Wowee, you know that final straw? That LAST one that just does you in (even if it's not actually that biguva deal in the grand scheme of things but it's the cherry on top of your totally fucked ice cream sundae)? I think I hit that today... now I'm left with an awful headache. Plus how I will probably need to push my test date back a day or two as a result. NoooOoOooOOOooo!!!

On the bright side, I learned burning sage really does help (at least made me feel better)! I burned some to ward off bad luck and to cleanse myself. It smelled like weed... :\

To sum it up, this lost soul o' mine lacks any direction which has been a shitty feeling. Oh well, there definitely have been gems. Diamonds in the rough, if you will. I really enjoyed a few things today like being with my dear friend Andrew, early morning pho, seeing my mama (she bought me my favorite foods as I prep for NCLEX which really meant a lot to me), playing with Beau on the rug I kinda bought for him, having my grandparents over, catching up on the phone with friends I miss so so so dearly...

It's sad that even more best friends are leaving soon. Boned!

Luckily there was an awesome music video released today that I've been waiting for all summer which should be checked out if you like pop music, dancing, laughing, and asians:

Today we had to make a list of 5 things that would make up our perfect day in our street's block party. Mine? 1. Snowboard at Whistler, 2. Jetski anywhere, 3. Play with my dog, 4. Hang out with Barack Obama [I need someone to inspire me -- who better?], 5. Be with friends and family and dance like Michael Jackson. I felt the list was pretty representative of my (impossibly) ideal day :)

If only!

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