I'll still write here once in awhile but... tumblr is fun! It also seems like a good transition time as the real world starts. Everything is falling into place :)
Onward to a brave new-ish world...
Life presented me with a huge life choice that I wish didn't even have to be an option. This is old news, but I was offered that job in DC. I was never really sure about it but just looked at the positives: a new adventure, getting away, growing... I must be crazy for choosing to stay here. But I kept waking up thinking I was making a mistake, cried every day, just never felt good anymore...
In my gut it is now clear that I want to be here. It always has been, but I convinced myself to be open to a different plan. As it turns out, I'm not ready for this hyped up adventure I've been craving. I just hope that this wasn't my only "escape" for my fear of being trapped here but I really don't think it is. (Doctors Without Borders, please)
It's not cool that it even had to come to this. I'll be a perfectly good nurse anywhere. I want to be here with my family (especially my sick grandma whose day is lit up when she sees me) and friends. Why was the only option to start applying around the country? What are the many jobless BSN's doing wrong? We graduated at a time when the economy sucked.
I'm so annoyed with myself. I have learned a ton these past few weeks. Many of the things I have learned are negative, but I guess it is better to be aware and I will take steps to make myself better. I really am not ready to leave based on things I have learned about myself. Am I really 23? Doesn't seem like it... feel more like 18.
Bessie just told me something that is so true that I don't think I've thought of before. I was telling her how I feel like such a coward and idiot, and she re-validated me and said it is brave for me to acknowledge the mistake I made. My problem is that I'm a people pleaser. I never knew I was so much of a people pleaser that I couldn't even look into myself deep down and even know what I wanted. I just should've been patient and listened to my TRUE self. I shouldn't have been a slave to expectation and pressure. Now look what happened...
I am still getting all sorts of outside pressure. People think I'm nuts for letting this opportunity pass me by, even my dad over in Hong Kong. Yesterday I had 4 emails from him trying to push me to DC. It makes me feel even worse but I am just not ready. I am not strong enough to be far from my support all while getting used to the huge RN responsibilities. Just even thinking about this reality is making me cry. So done with crying.
Now what? I have to move forward. I have to have faith that everything will work out. I have to have faith that I will not get into some sort of trouble. I need faith that things will work out.
And I am so sorry for all of this turmoil I have caused.
I feel so small.
Marcel the Shell With Shoes On
MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON from Dean Fleischer-Camp on Vimeo.
Nurse Nat wants out!
Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, or five times more? Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless...-Quote from The Sheltering Sky on Brandon Lee's tombstone...
Sad, but beautiful.
Welp, NCLEX passed! Next: find a (preferably) good job. Hopefully before that happens (life starting and whatnot) there will be some sort of get away? Yeah right... On the bright side, the fact that 4 years of weight on my shoulders has been lifted is kinda like a vacation in itself...? :(
I'm apprehensive and nervous but kinda excited for this next chapter. I hope it will be good... I don't know, though :\
Grandma's Kimono

This was taken on my phone at 1 AM with my mom and little brother playing directors (like the little lamp Anson placed by my feet? haha). I'll have to remember to bring my real camera home next time and get some pictures with my grandma if she'll let me.
My grandma gave me her kimono that she wore when she married my grandpa. She even wore it while she came over here from Japan on the boat... at my age. That was the only time she wore it. Her older brother (her favorite) gave it to her before he died. None of us knew she had this kimono. My grandparents have very few possessions and we have seen all of them -- so we thought.
I am honored and touched. It would take a long time for me to explain my grandma; she has gone through so much in her life yet is the sweetest woman in the entire world. Unfortunately her health isn't very good right now and I hope I can spend as much time as I can with her. Her dementia is getting worse but she still remembers her family. She is just a lot happier and outgoing than she used to be. We hug now, big long hugs. She even kissed me on the cheek once which old grandma never would've done. Also feeding our dog with her fork. She used to be a germ/clean freak!
When I helped her into the car, she said that I have to wear her kimono at next year's Bon Odori while my mom wears the beautiful jacket piece that goes on the outside (because she says that is for the old ladies...). She said my brother and I will stand in the front with my mom behind us and she will watch from the crowd. I hope she can make it to next year's Bon dance.
I just stumbled upon this awesome website that has photos from the Depression era... IN COLOR! Sometimes I (for some reason) imagine the past in black and white or sepia-tone so it was awesome to find these photos. Enjoy!
dancey dance dance
Nothin like a little hip hop and Thai kee mao noodles to make everything better! Bessie, you my girl.
Tonight we attempted to burn up the floor at our first hip hop class. We learned a little somethin to go with Halo by Beyonce. It was a nice intro class... Need to learn how to hit harder and ditch my classical training. Kinda did it with African dance but for some reason this seems like it will be harder! Why are dance classes so expensive?? I want to try so many more styles and maybe choose something to pursue, time and money permitting. It makes me happy. At least this one we are registered for is a little better price-wise as I wait to find a source of income.
Some areas of difficulty in finding that source of income:
- Must have 2 years experience
- Must have had senior practicum in ICU or ER.
- Must have blahblahblah
- This position is not considering new grads
- Residency program starts in August
- Residency programs start in February...
- 300+ people applied already
- NCLEX still pending
Shoot :\
Recruiters, I swear I'll be good at what I do! How to prove it on paper against hundreds of others? Hmmm...
Even looking elsewhere like in San Francisco, New York, and Hawaii (yeah... even looked in hawaii ) have limited hits! I keep joking that I might need to move to Alaska but maybe it's not a joke. Or else I'm pretty damn sure suburbs would definitely work...
Federal Way here I come, right back where I started from! Federal Wayyyyy! Here I come!
.......... :(
Patron Saint of the Totally F***ed! (Lou from Hot Tub Time Machine)
Wowee, you know that final straw? That LAST one that just does you in (even if it's not actually that biguva deal in the grand scheme of things but it's the cherry on top of your totally fucked ice cream sundae)? I think I hit that today... now I'm left with an awful headache. Plus how I will probably need to push my test date back a day or two as a result. NoooOoOooOOOooo!!!
On the bright side, I learned burning sage really does help (at least made me feel better)! I burned some to ward off bad luck and to cleanse myself. It smelled like weed... :\
To sum it up, this lost soul o' mine lacks any direction which has been a shitty feeling. Oh well, there definitely have been gems. Diamonds in the rough, if you will. I really enjoyed a few things today like being with my dear friend Andrew, early morning pho, seeing my mama (she bought me my favorite foods as I prep for NCLEX which really meant a lot to me), playing with Beau on the rug I kinda bought for him, having my grandparents over, catching up on the phone with friends I miss so so so dearly...
It's sad that even more best friends are leaving soon. Boned!
Luckily there was an awesome music video released today that I've been waiting for all summer which should be checked out if you like pop music, dancing, laughing, and asians:
Today we had to make a list of 5 things that would make up our perfect day in our street's block party. Mine? 1. Snowboard at Whistler, 2. Jetski anywhere, 3. Play with my dog, 4. Hang out with Barack Obama [I need someone to inspire me -- who better?], 5. Be with friends and family and dance like Michael Jackson. I felt the list was pretty representative of my (impossibly) ideal day :)
If only!
pretty things
“Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words;
Be careful of your words, for you words become your deeds;
Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become your habits;
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.”
-Mother Teresa
+ a beautiful stop-motion music video :)
Thankful, August 11th.
ごめんなさい (I'm sorry).
I've usually been good at rolling with the punches in life but I guess a month+ of punches (extending beyond NCLEX BS) did me in. I'm sorry for being a sourpuss. I just felt trapped and frustrated beyond belief. I guess AUGUST 11TH (oh my gosh a real date) isn't that far off from my "ideal" summer schedule I made, but it is crossing over the line of when Dr. V said people would start statistically failing... and over the line of finding a job. Everything happens for a reason.
Mama always said life throws curveballs and you gotta roll with the punches. She's right... I'm a big girl. Mantra: ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES. How many times can I say that in one post?
Yesterday Micaela, Rachel, Jimmy, and I went on a hike to Denny Creek waterfalls/granite water slides. It was great being in nature. As we were walking I finally had time to think in fresh air with no books or computers around. I was trying to name as many things that I'm thankful for as I could. It was nice.
Most of all from that list, I'm thankful to be alive and in good health AND that my loved ones are alive and kicking as well. What more could I ask for? Reality, check yo-self before you wreck yo-self.
"check your pulse it's proof that you're not listening to..."
Post deleted.
life update
Graduation came and went so quickly.
Was officially pinned at our nursing school graduation. We danced, laughed, cried, and celebrated together. I can't believe nursing school is over.... well, actually it doesn't really feel that way since NCLEX is coming up. I hope... there has been drama with the Department of Health and I am just trying to be patient. Anyway.
For Father's Day weekend I went to San Jose to visit my Dad's side of the family. It was awesome seeing cousins all grown up and the changes that have happened since last time I was down. It's been a really long time... The best part was seeing my 2.5 year old niece. I want to keep her! She can talk and loves to sing "Hey Soul Sister" - the song has been redeemed.
My grad gift to myself was to get a longboard (skateboard) which has been a blast. Rachel, Jimmy, Czarina, and I have formed a gang. I hope to go more soon -- it's kind of like therapy. It will do since snowboarding isn't possible right now. It being cheaper than $60 lift tickets is also a plus :)
I have very little interest in the stuff i SHOULD be studying. My only motivation is to pass it the first time but without a date set I am having trouble staying focused. I'm afraid of getting burned out if my test ends up being really deep into August or something.
Instead, my interest lies in learning Japanese... and guitar, but mostly Japanese now. I have always had a bit of an identity crisis since I don't know either of my languages and my family doesn't really partake in much cultural stuff (besides yummy food). My Japanese side is pretty "Ameicanized". I am 4th generation. I don't want the traditions to die out completely and feel like I might be the only one close to even learning our language. It's been fun studying it :) In high school it was a chore, but now without the pressure of grades and speaking in front of my class it is something that I really want to do. Then -- SPANISH. Oh boy.
OK: now something cool. There are a bunch of Asian-American youtube musicians, comedians, bloggers, etc. I subscribe to and this group called Wong Fu Productions always makes awesome videos. This short movie When Five Fell is really great so if you have 10 minutes to watch it I encourage it. From the description:
Can the things we love, love us back just the same? Five household objects express their feelings toward their owner when she begins to neglect them for someone else. "When Five Fell" is a new take on the ideal boy-meets-girl love story. Although the short is told from a unique and unconventional perspective, the emotions described should be familiar to anyone that's fallen in or out of a relationship.
We delight in the promise of falling for love.
We crumble in the dread of falling from love.
Everyone falls. Everything falls.
Vancouver 2010
One thing on my Bucket List can be crossed out – go to the Olympics!
Jimmy, Rachel, Micaela, Adam, and I in front of the torch.
Wayne Gretzky wasn’t in sight.
Canadian pride x infinity.
The amount of people on the streets was nuts...
I felt like I was in Hong Kong again!
These fake trees were adorned with drawings by kids.
I got a very warm, world-y feel.
As Adam put it, the atmosphere of the Olympics felt like the Folklife of sports. There were so many people! Canadians especially, but people from other nations sprinkled into the mix. Hello, world.
We unfortunately didn’t run into any athletes as I had hoped for… We did watch the USA vs. Canada hockey game at a bar on the UBC campus which was AWESOME! Adam’s friend Sean was nice enough to let us tag along. USA beat Canada in “their game” but apparently we can play hockey too! It was weird rooting for a different team other than the majority. Part of me felt bad that they lost but… USA! USA! USA! It was a great day trip.
This weekend was also Dance Marathon. It was a fun (and EXHAUSTING) way to raise money for Children’s. In our 16 hour dance party we made over $20,000 :) I now know the true meaning of sore feet… they are still not back to 100%. Hopefully that resolves by clinical tomorrow!
Next adventure: I got an email from Southwest and in the subject line: “Your Upcoming New York Itinerary”… AHH! Already?
But first, gotta finish this quarter… losing steam. I’m so excited to graduate but the thought of it also majorly depresses me… more about that later.
I've got the fever
Kung hei fat choy! (Happy Chinese New Year - ano del tigre - year of the TIGER)
There are many reasons to celebrate this day, but I don't think anything calls for more celebration than:
If you know me, you know that my life shuts down during the Olympics. Quiz: Last night I came home to Federal Way to A) Be home with mama for some Valentine's Day fun, B) Be home to watch our huge HD TV for the Olympics, C) Cuddle with my dog (who is currently trying to coax me to play with him), D) All of the above.
If you answered D, you should be a nursing student. You rock at multiple choice questions.
It's been fun to be home for mama, Beau, and of course the TV since we are all such huge Olympic freaks. Beau too. When my mom and I yell at the TV he barks at it and tries to figure out what is going on!
Last night was the men's 1500 m short track speed skating medal event where our 2 boys, Apolo Ohno and JR Celski, took home the silver and bronze! Sure, they got lucky when all the Koreans got greedy and took each other out in their pursuit of gold, but that is short track for you! You gotta be smart! What do I know? I don't... but I've watched enough over the years to know that.
I've been one of Apolo's biggest fans since the 2002 Olympics. He's cute, he's funny, he's amazing at what he does. I think my mom thinks he's hotter than I do somehow. Everytime they show him on tv she says "HE IS SO CUTE! HE'S SO GOOD LOOKING! HE HAS IT ALL!"
Then there is JR Celski. I worked with his uncle Jerry for 2 summers and he told me to watch out for him in 2010. His story is inspirational. He is also so cute... and 19. Apparently we went to the same school at one point...
Women's moguls were awesome to watch as well. Ski jumping is pretty awesome, too. Luge is fun for the first few runs then it kind of gets repetitive. So sad about the Georgian luger...
Snowboarding hasn't even started yet. I can't wait to watch half pipe. Of course Shaun White! Then Hannah Teter and all of the kickass American girls.
What can I say? Two weeks of bliss! If only we had cable... It looks like I'll be going to Micaela or Adam's apartment every night for prime time TV since they also share a passion for Olympics AND have cable!
Done gushing for now. Love.
Resting up at home and letting my mama take care of me has left me feeling exponentially better. If I had to rate my health I'd probably give myself a 78% (C+) to an 82% (B-) which is way better than what I was feeling on Monday when I went home. She gave me Valentine's Day gifts -- heart-shaped brownies and manju. So cute! I feel awful because I forget that Valentine's Day can go beyond boyfriend/girlfriend etc. relationships. I want this Valentine's Day to be meaningful in some way whether it is spent with friends or if I go home and spend it with my mom. If not, love stinks and it's just a Hallmark holiday anyway!
Random thought: I really like that a lot of good friends call me Nat now. In high school my nicknames came from my last name, but now it's from my first. It's cute :D
One thing to celebrate: My friend Phil's cancer is localized! I never thought I could be so happy to hear about a stage 3 diagnosis, but I just know he will be okay. It will be a long 6 weeks of chemo, radiation, and surgery, but without the daunting label of a metastasized stage 4 diagnosis, all of the treatments will be worth it when Phil is cancer free and able to start his life with a brand new perspective.
This is my new favorite song! Watch watch! It's not a new song, but Justin Timberlake's cover (feat. Matt Morris) of Hallelujah takes me to a new place. If you're interested in buying the whole album, 100% of the $7.99 goes to Haiti relief and it has AWESOME songs/covers. I really encourage it.
hey 2010
Well, wow, first post of 2010! Of the decade!
So far so good, I guess? This quarter is high pressure because of clinical but I know it will be okay... midterms are over and we all passed so all is good. I have a break from clinical and so NO write ups this week so I feel like Spring Break has come early! I definitely won't waste the time off. Plans so far: SLEEP, eat right, go to Mass, bowling, snowboarding, home to be with mama and Beau.
The Brickhouse has been dandy. I love living here and love my roommates! We may not get out as much as the average college student, but we definitely have our own fun here. I hope we can make up for lost time sooooon. Wtf we are half way through our last year of college. How did it go so fast? So much happens in one year, and wow I can't even describe the change that happens in four years...
I've been playing a lot of flag football and love my team F BRIAN. We are such a fun group. It's been a great way to spend time with my cousin and the F*** Brian community has been a great way to be removed from school. With that said, I'm also thankful for this community because we have needed to come together for our friend and teammate, Phil, who was just diagnosed with (at least) stage 3 colorectal cancer. We're having a Superbowl party tomorrow and he will be there so it will be great to finally see him in person since we've only talked over the phone, text, or facebook chat. See his story and progress here: http://helpphilfight.com/ Phil is such an amazing friend; he has kind of reminded me of an older brother. Now we are Team Phil and wear his #7 on our jerseys.
Another hard thing: my friend Molly Hightower from high school passed away in the Haitian earthquake. She was volunteering there doing amazing things with children. I don't even know how to go into how that news was...
I hope there isn't anymore bad news to come. It's only the beginning of February. Strength, hope, trust.