

Last quarter was full of changes but I find that this quarter will challenge me in even more ways… but this time, I am more welcoming.

I have led a very privileged life and am beyond grateful for that. There is a part of me that constantly strives to find the deeper meanings in life. Luckily I have had the chance to see much of the world, but have I really seen the world for what it is? Not really, since my Dad finds joy in the finer things. Ecuador is happening soon and I don’t know what to expect, I am purposely going with no expectations, because I want my eyes to be opened to whatever reality is. This trip will be the grounding I have been looking for.

Going back to Bailey Gatzert has been so good for me and my growth as a person. It has only been two weeks for an hour and a half each, but I always leave with a new footing. Things are put back into perspective. I remember how kids give me pure joy and hearing their stories gives me wisdom and strength.

Even school has been grounding for me. This quarter we are working with psych patients and with geriatric patients at nursing homes. I cannot say specifics for confidentiality reasons, but I will say that this quarter I am reminded to be thankful to be alive without illness, mental or physical. Perhaps that is what this new thirst for new experiences has stemmed from… I just want to live life to the fullest, as clichĂ© as that sounds.

With those deeper meanings I also find myself making theories about what I find most important in life: that is love. All kinds of love – romantic, familial, between friends, between strangers. I thank God that I have experienced all of these types of love, all so sweet, some too sweet, making them bittersweet (but still sweet). I am just thankful for all love.

Then there is the Search retreat in a couple weeks…

All I know is that I am trying to find meaning, and in that, some grounding. Here’s to the journey!

PS – GOBAMA! Happy New Year! (Inaugural and the Lunar New Year… yay ox)

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