

It’s snowing right now! There’s at least an inch in my yard already. Beau and I just went outside and ran around in it. I just had a real moment of zen – I was spinning around, arms outstretched, staring into space – when I got the butterflies from realizing that order has been restored. It is officially Christmas break and I feel so at peace with the world. Hoorah snow!

My professor passed me after the most intimidating meeting and hour of my life yesterday. After talking and basically taking an oral final II, he decided I was close enough grade-wise and competent enough to pass. Lesson learned: sleep before a huge final. I just hope others can prove that they deserve to pass, too. Thank you for the support!!! The weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. I was being dramatic and told my Mom that I lost everything on Thursday. I’m happy that it wasn’t true. Perhaps the era isn’t over, afterall. It will never be over.

Choosing a place for the elephant: ribs, shoulder blade, foot, ass, thunder-thigh. I can’t commit. Hmm…

Kira and Jessica are here. God, Kira is a doll!

I swear this is on an unrelated note, it’s effing hilarious:

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