

Rant time. Ready? Go.

There’s been a lot of weight on my shoulders lately – at times feeling unbearable. If America is smart they can help me a little! I don’t know what I’ll do with myself once the election is over. This election is one of the things I’m most passionate about. Today is a day I’ve been hoping for for a long time… I’ll have nothing left to hope for! (Besides the future…) You should see me now. I’m decked out in Obama gear and will hopefully get a chance to use myself as a human billboard soon when I walk down to the MoveOn office to phonebank with Emily!

Come on, nation.

I’m confident but also a little worried. I’ve never wanted something so much! Well, for politics.

I care more about the election than I do about school. At this point, I’m just worried about getting through this quarter! I was having (and maybe still am having?) a mid-college crisis because I just haven’t been feeling fulfilled. The program is unbelievably competitive. The professors expect so much out of us which is great but sometimes I don’t now if the pressure is worth it! The program is… the people are… the pressure… all of it…… just nuts. It sucks to never feel caught up and work so hard for a mediocre grade. Hey, all you need is C’s! But when you tell people you’re happy with a B and they look at you like you’re crazy? What the eff… Clinicals make it worth it. It’s so amazing seeing new babies. I’ve worked too hard and come too far to give up now.

I apologize for going livejournal and bitching about life! I shouldn’t be bitching about nursing so much because the weight is coming from other areas. Personal stuff, family worries, living on your own… It adds up!

Let it snow – I want to escape to the mountains and ride away my troubles… for $60. Shit!

My mom is in New York having the time of her life. I’m so happy for her! I pick her up from the airport at midnight tonight.

I need to go find healthier, more productive distractions.
Ohhhhh, gravity wants to bring me down.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What great news after such a tough few weeks, yes? At least something's going right!!! As for nursing and other stresses, we'll take things one thing at a time. We're all in this rat race together :) I love you Natalie!! Let's plan a trip or something exciting so we can have something to look forward to. A massage, at the very least.