It is amazing that we have lived to see the first black president of the USA. The fact that our country was able to see his skin color and beyond that to his character, and then go as far as to elect him as the world’s most powerful man shows that even though we have a long way to go before overcoming racism, our country has made significant progress in the last 40 years. Progress! Now we have so much to look forward to and great things to work towards. Like he said, change may not happen in one year or even one term, but we are moving towards it.
I like the quote on my Obama shirt:
“This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected.”
We saw:
A war going in the wrong direction
A crashing economy
The negative identity we have in the world
The possibility of Roe v Wade being overturned
The threat of the global warming and dwindling resources
The problems with health care
…and so many other things
Then came the guy who understood us.
He empowers, he wants change, he inspires, he is truly global, he just gets it.
Did you hear about the world’s reaction? I’ve heard people were in tears in Spain and Denmark. Kenya is declaring today a public holiday.
Did you hear about Seattle’s reaction?!
I was in Federal Way because I took my mom home from the airport when this broke out. When I saw it on the news, I knew there was NO way I could miss something this huge happening a couple blocks from where I live! 5,000 people! The energy seemed as electric on Broadway and Pike as the DNC, maybe even more. The booze probably helped.
This has been such an incredible journey. I was finally swayed to Obama after the primaries and was surprised to see myself sucked into the election. Then I got the amazing opportunity to see him accept his nomination in Denver at the DNC. I finally got to do some volunteering but unfortunately it was late in the game on election day. Emily and I were at the MoveOn office making phone calls to voters when the news came out! The response was just incredible everywhere. People were honking horns, running through streets screaming, blowing off fireworks, having huge election watch parties… We did it. I am so proud of our country and to be an American.
Yes we can. Yes we did. Yes we will!